Monday, October 31, 2011

Ghost Adventures Ancient Ram Inn (Part Two)

(Part 2 Best Evidence)

(Aaron, Zak, John Humphries, and Nick)

As for the previous episode of Ghost Adventures I did to save time here’s another top three best evidence from the Ancient Ram Inn Episode of Ghost Adventures, remember they appear in no particular order and are my opinions.

First piece of evidence happened during the walk through Mr. Humphries was attacked as well as the audio problems and sudden headache Zak got. Despite the small slip up Mr. Humphries made claiming that things bother him all the time while in the house but then later on when he is being attacked he says it’s never happened before, the audio issue and the sudden pain in Zak’s head is enough to back up the event that something indeed was happening to Mr. Humphries.

The second piece of evidence were the negative EVP’s one captures near the stairway which was a demonic growl, the creepy voice saying it’s Coming, and the laugh heard in the Witch’s Room.  There were other EVP’s that happened but I picked these to mention despite the other’s being just as good as the other audio clips captured. They stand out the most and are borderline scary making you probably consider sleeping with the lights on at night.

The third piece of evidence is the shadow figure captured on Aaron’s camera. Although hard to see and easy to miss despite having the two arrows pointing to the exact location of it, once you see it the figure sticks in your mind for quite a long time. They don’t often catch amazing visual evidence other than orbs and mist however when the mist has a defined mannerism about the way it moves and almost forms a figure is when it becomes insane. While this doesn’t have any clear cut qualities, its sudden flash of movement is enough to startle some people. 

Happy Halloween! See you all next year!

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